About this site & me
The reason this site exists is to share knowledge and make a point. 這個部落格存在的原因是為了要分享知識
This blog will post content about topics like software engineering, side project ideas, career decisions, and study notes. If you feel that this blog makes you know the world or something better, please don't hesitate to share it with your friends, families, and peers. Let them enjoy the ride as well!
The reason I decided to build this site and share is that I firmly believe by sharing knowledge, we will understand the concepts better and make them last. This will not only help you become a more resourceful and knowledgeable person but also help others comprehend the concepts more lucid.
Lastly, I'm Louis Chiu. I'm a software engineer working in the FAANG company. When I have time, I enjoy learning new things, exercising, and traveling. A goal that I set for myself lately is to participate in a tennis tournament!
哈咯大家好,我是 Louis。我會在這邊分享關於軟體工程,職涯發展與決定,讀書筆記,還有 side-project 的想法。如果你覺得這個部落格的文章有幫助你了解了什麼內容,或是增加知識,請也分享給你身邊的朋友、家人、同事,讓他們可以一起獲得新知。
最後,我是 Louis,目前在一線科技公司工作。平常有空喜歡學習新東西,戶外運動與旅行。今年,我為自己訂下一個目標是要在 2022 年的時候,參加一場網球的公開比賽!
Let's Connect
If you find anything interesting or want to give feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out!
LinkedIn - Louis Chiu
GitHub - lewiechiu
Mail - louischiu.blog@gmail.com